Mike Postle Poker

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  • The poker world has been waiting for Mike Postle to express his thoughts about the cheating scandal he has been caught up in for the past 12 months for a very long time. This week, the silence that.
  • Mike Postle Goes On Matusow’s Podcast. No doubt, several poker media outlets (ours included) attempted to get Mike Postle to discuss with them his version of events. In the end however, Postle surprisingly went on “The Mouthpiece” podcast, hosted by Mike Matusow. The podcast was released in two parts, Friday night and Saturday night.
  1. 10 Suspicious Hands Played By Mike Postle On Livestream ...
  2. Mike Postle Poker Cheat
  3. Mike Postle Poker Wikipedia
  4. Alleged Cheater Mike Postle Agrees To Settlement - PartTimePoker
  5. Mike Postle Poker

Oct 07, 2019 The Mike Postle case is probably the biggest cheating scandal in the history of live poker and has such a ripple effect due to the potential involvement of Stones Live stuff that it needs and deserves an independent and thorough investigation.

If you have been following the world of poker over the last week, you know about the Mike Postle cheating scandal that has rocked live poker. Lower stakes poker pro Mike Postle has been called out by everyone from Joe Ingram to Doug Polk for what appears to be to some as clear instances of cheating.

As a former semi-professional player, I have looked at these videos and have my own views on this. Today, I will take a look at whether I think Postle cheated in the live-streamed games at Stones.

Something Appears Afoul With the Cell Phone

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Looking at various videos, there does indeed appear to be many instances where Postle is looking at his cell phone during hands. Someone using their cell phone at the table to communicate with another player or staff member is nothing new.

Back in 2008, I personally witnessed a well-known poker celebrity conduct multiple conversations with another player at the table via text message during the WSOP Main Event. A couple of players complained, but nothing was ever really done to the players.

In this particular instance, there didn’t appear to be any cheating going on as it was two people trying to keep each other entertained during Day 1. They also didn’t hide the fact that they were texting each other. Also, this was not at a featured table and before the integration of RFID technology.

However, in the case involving Postle, there is a clear ban in place on cell phones at the table. It does not appear that the ban is adequately enforced as players have been known to step away from the table to use their phones or use them when not in a hand.

For Postle, there are many times that it appears that he is looking at something or interacting with something in his lap. He is simply too distracted in some of these instances to be anything else. Plus you can see times where he is fumbling with a device in his lap.

If he isn’t using his cell phone, then what the heck is he doing during these hands? Is he fiddling with himself similar to what Antonio Esfandiari did at the PCA a few years back? (If you don’t know what we mean, he used a water bottle to pee at the table.)

Regardless of what is going on, it looks awfully suspicious and it is amazing that it wasn’t discovered long before now.

Was the Hat Stuffed?

Some internet sleuths are claiming that Postle stuffed his hat during some of these cheating sessions, even providing what they claim is pictorial evidence. This one is a bit tougher to prove due to a couple of reasons.

First, the hat looks a bit too generic to be a radio transmitter like some accuse him of using. Sure, it is possible that he had a hat modified, but I seriously doubt it. As far as whether he has equipment stuffed in his hat, I am not going to side with those that say he did so.

The reason is that hats can be appeared stuffed for various reasons. While I completely see what some are trying to claim, it is a little too vague to prove.

How Much Did He Really Win?

Some have claimed that Postle has won as much as $250,000 during the last year in poker while Postle claims that number is a lot less. Something that Scott Van Pelt stated during his SportsCenter take on the matter sticks out.

If a player is really crushing live poker to the extent that Postle is, then why isn’t he trying to parlay that into bigger wins. Most live poker players will move up in stakes when it is clear they have the ability to do so. Why is Postle continuing to play at these lower stakes, and why hasn’t he been playing elsewhere.

The fact that he doesn’t play on other live streams also plays against him. If Postle was even a semi-regular on other shows and making these insane plays, then we would have some evidence to support his crazy win rate.

If you ever watched the old ESPN series Tilt, there’s a scene involving a live game where many of the players are cheating. Most only play at this game and are not trying to run it up elsewhere. Why? Because they are cheating. That’s why.

If Mike Postle really isn’t cheating, why not play in some other streamed avenue to prove his poker skill. The quickest way to shut up the poker public is to keep winning. If Postle goes elsewhere and keeps winning as he did at Stone, then players will have to back off.

Postle’s Reputation is Ruined Regardless of the Investigations Outcome

At this point, the outcome of Stone’s investigation doesn’t matter. Postle has been too exposed and has made all of the wrong moves to ever have a reasonable poker career. Even if Stones says that he is innocent, there will be many fans and pro players that will mark him as a cheat.

Sure, he will be able to still play, but his opportunities will be limited compared to before the scandal. If there is one thing to take away from this scandal, it is to come out swinging if you’re accused of cheating. Postle did not make the right moves to protect his rep and regardless of what happens, he will be lumped in with Potripper and Russ Hamilton for the rest of his poker career.

So did Mike Postle cheat? The evidence seems to lean that direction, but the court of public opinion has already deemed him guilty for life.

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On Wednesday, June 3, United States District Judge William B. Shubb granted motions to dismiss filed by King’s Casino (parent company to Stones Gambling Hall), Justin Kuraitis, and Mike Postle.

The massive decision stands as the biggest development so far in the high-profile cheating case that dominated the poker world last fall in which Postle was alleged to have profited around $250,000 in live-streamed cash games at Stones through nefarious but never proven means.

According to court documents obtained by PokerNews via Pacer, the judge sided with the argument put forth by King’s that the plaintiffs' various claims were “not cognizable under California law because California public policy bars judicial intervention in gambling disputes, in part because the asserted damages are inherently speculative” as laid out in Kelly v. First Astri Corp.

While some of the charges were dismissed with prejudice, meaning they're settled barring an appeal, the door was left cracked on some, so an amended complaint can still be filed by the plaintiffs who took the case to court last October.

Unfortunately for those who wished to see Postle punished for his alleged cheating, the charges against him fell into the former category. At this time, there's no word on whether an appeal will be filed.

A request for sanctions against Postle for allegedly underhanded legal work was also dismissed.

Mac VerStandig, attorney for the plaintiffs, indicated his disappointment with the ruling in a statement to PokerNews:

'We are in the process of reviewing the judge’s orders, and are appreciative he clearly devoted great time and thought to his rulings. While I am of course disappointed Mr. Postle has been let out of this litigation, I trust that disappointment pales compared to that of Stones Gambling Hall, which made the arguments that permitted Mr. Postle to exit the case.'

Postle has not responded to PokerNews' request for comment at time of publication.

Postle Dismissal Predicated on California Gambling Law


Judge Shubb's granting of Postle's motion to dismiss was predicated squarely upon a California law that specifically addresses gambling losses.

Mike postle poker wife

Shubb wrote that 'monies lost to Mr. Postle' and 'the loss of opportunity to earn monies through honest games of poker' are 'quintessential gambling losses that are barred for recovery by California public policy.'

'Today, the California state legislature still has not created a statutory right to permit individuals to recover their gambling losses, although other states have done so.'

'Accordingly, California’s strong public policy against judicial resolution of civil claims arising out of gambling disputes mandates the dismissal with prejudice of plaintiff’s claims against Postle for fraud, negligent misrepresentation, negligence per se, and unjust enrichment,' Shubb wrote.

Shubb relied on the aforementioned case, which dates from 1999.

Mike Postle Poker

“Today, the California state legislature still has not created a statutory right to permit individuals to recover their gambling losses, although other states have done so.'

A further charge that Postle's cheating violated Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) due to his alleged use of wire transmissions was dismissed because “gambling losses are not sufficient injury to business or property for RICO standing.”

As for Postle's alleged legal indiscretions, the judge simply dismissed them out of hand. The plaintiffs sought sanctions under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure (“Rule 11”) after alleging Postle used an attorney ghostwriter to author his motion to dismiss when he was purportedly representing himself.

“Regardless of whether Postle had his ghostwritten by that attorney or cut and pasted from the brief his attorney filed in that prior case, the court sees no reason to impose sanctions here,” a four-page ruling read. “It is therefore ordered that plaintiffs’ motion for sanctions be, and the same hereby is, denied.”

Stones, Kuraitis in Clear as Well

Judge Shubb dismissed all of the claims against the venue and the house tournament director, who also headed the livestreaming operation as well.

Allegations of fraud, according to Shubb, lacked specificity:

'They do not allege the cost of the rake during each game, let alone what they contributed individually. Instead, they offer nothing more than a general allegation that the rake amounted to 'tens of thousands of dollars during the life of Mr. Postle’s scheme.'

Claims of constructive fraud, which require a fiduciary or confidential relationship, were attacked by Stones when it contended the venue 'did not owe a general duty' to gamblers, a claim with which the judge apparently agreed. The lack of special relationship between players and venue also led to dismissal of negligence claims.

As for negligent misrepresentation, the judge targeted the plaintiffs' failure to disclose the identity of Postle's alleged accomplice.

A libel claim from Veronica Brill, stemming from Stones tweet calling her accusations against Postle 'completely fabricated,' was dismissed on the grounds that it can't be proven the tweet was directed at her since dozens of others participated in the suit.

Similar fraud and negligence accusations against Kuraitis were dismissed on similar grounds.

Case Expected to Continue in Some Fashion

VerStandig expressed his dismay with the dismissal to PokerNews:

10 Suspicious Hands Played By Mike Postle On Livestream ...

'In 1851, California established a precedent of not permitting litigation related to claims stemming from card games,' he said. 'It is a policy with which I do not agree in this day and age of legalized gaming, and one I am disappointed a legal gaming parlor would rely upon. But I am also heartened the court has acknowledged that our claims to recover the rake collected by Stones potentially fall outside the contours of that policy.'

Judge Shubb did leave open the possibility of hearing an amended complaint on several of the charges. Notably, fraud and negligent misrepresentation by Stones and negligence by Kuraitis are among them. Chiefly, it seems as VerStandig said, the rake can be specified and potentially recovered.

Mike Postle Poker Cheat

However, that won't be enough to satisfy many onlookers and Brill herself, who tweeted her disgust in the aftermath of the news:

Just letting the poker community know that if you decide to cheat on a live stream you are free to do so. There wil… https://t.co/rI3f990q0j

— Veronica BLM (@Angry_Polak)

Expect the case to continue to play out with, at a minimum, an amended complaint.

Mike Postle Poker Wikipedia

'The court has given us leave to amend, and I anticipate we will avail ourselves of that right,' VerStandig said. 'The court’s opinion acknowledges the core viability of certain claims (obviously without making any judgment as to facts), and we look forward to restating those claims in a manner that will comport with the court’s order.'

Alleged Cheater Mike Postle Agrees To Settlement - PartTimePoker

However, any amended complaint will only be in regards to Stones and Kuraitis. In regards to this case, Postle will walk away scot-free barring an appeal.

Mike Postle Poker

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    Mike PostlePoker and the LawLive casino poker