Craps Dice Sets

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Craps Dice Sets 7,7/10 7519 reviews
  1. Dice Setting Chart
  2. Craps Dice Setting Strategy

Smart Craps has a built-in edge calculator (in the Dice Set Optimizer) that can turn any Pro Test scores into an exact edge percentage. This is not done via simulation, and is instantaneous! The calculator also accounts for odds (if any), and even allows you to determine the edge for proposition bets such as placing the 6 or 8. It is usually caused by a faulty release of the dice and from the curvature of the fingers placed on the surface of the dice. A good way to correct this is to set the dice in order to have 7s showing on the.


Congratulations on making the decision to take control away from the casinos at the craps tables and put that control into your own hands!!

Being the only game in the casino that allows you to take part in the game by rolling the dice yourself, advanced craps players (called Precision Shooters) use ‘Dice Control’, or more accurately ‘Dice Influence’ anytime they’re at the tables to influence the outcomes of their dice rolls. The ability to influence the outcome of dice rolls is also called ‘Precision Shooting’.

Craps dice sets youtube

Dice Setting Chart


While all games in the casino have a house edge that favors the casino, craps is one of the games with the lowest house edge available to the player. It only takes slight variations in the outcomes of the dice rolls to make a big difference in building your bankroll. As your skill develops, and your signature numbers become more defined, you’ll be able to tip the probabilities, and therefore the house edge, significantly in your favor.


There’s been a lot of debate over the years, as to whether or not Dice Control or Dice Influence is even possible at the craps tables. Most of the skeptics typically quote anecdotal theories, mathematical probabilities, or ironically, point to the steps casinos have taken to negate the affects of Precision Shooters. (Now why would the casinos spend all that money to negate something that isn’t possible?)

Now there are studies and mathematicians that confirm ‘Dice Control’ possibilities around influencing the outcomes of dice rolls. Inside Science published an article on the tests they conducted that demonstrated that even just setting the dice in a consistent fashion altered the probabilities in outcomes in a statistically significant way.

Additionally, a noted mathematician, Sanford Wong, who has primarily done a lot of work around blackjack probabilities, tested the ‘Dice Influence’ process and concluded that, with practice, a craps player could alter the probabilities of the game in the player’s favor.


Yes, Dice Influence is easy to learn, but executing the process with consistency takes several months of committed practice. Similar to learning how to pitch in baseball, learning how to do it, is easy, executing it so you hit the strike zone and strike out the batter takes committed practice.

The great news about dice influence is, you don’t need to reach the level of a professional sports athlete to flip the probabilities in your favor. With the low house edge afforded at the craps tables, even slight variations in the dice outcomes can produce significant results.

Craps Dice Setting Strategy


There are a number of components to learn in becoming a Precision Shooter. Each of them has it’s own purpose and role within the dice toss. Executed together, with consistency, is critical to the development of your ability to influence the dice.

Again, think about the baseball pitcher. The position of the ball in the glove, where and how the fingers are placed across the threads, the wind up, the delivery, the follow through all are a part of executing a successful pitch. Its the same with influencing the dice in craps.

Additionally, we teach Precision Shooting to influence the dice a little differently than a lot of the information that’s out there. Many teach different grips, stances, and more to achieve different results at the tables. We believe it’s easier to learn ONE toss method that’s right for you and then only use slight variations in position to achieve different outcomes.


Below are each of the components that a Precision Shooter utilizes to influence the dice and rake in profits from the casino. For more detailed information on each of the components and start your journey to becoming a Precision Shooter, just click the title of the component you want to view.

  • Dice sets refer to the way dice are positioned prior to gripping and tossing them. The number on top and in front of each of the die will be a determining factor in the outcome of your dice rolls. Believe it or not, there are a total of 576 different ways the dice can be set, but you don’t have to learn them all. There are only several dice sets to practice with, and when you develop consistency in your throw, there are formulas to use to determine which dice sets are best to use during the ‘come-out’ roll and those best to use after the point has been established. Click here for more information.
  • Once the dice sets are determined, the next important component is ‘The Grip’. How you pick up the dice so that you can keep the dice set in the correct position and deliver a well executed toss is really the beginning of the dice throw. Learning to execute the dice sets and grips correctly and quickly will help to avoid slowing the game down and keep the dealers from trying to hurry you up. Click here for more information.
  • The toss is where most of your training and practice time will be spent. To deliver consistent results, the dice need to travel through the air to the other side of the table, spinning simultaneously, while staying together until they gently land on the table with minimum force and bounce. Executing a ‘Controlled Toss’ correctly involves performing several intertwined components successfully and consistently. This is where most give up their quest to become a Precision Shooter because when you first start, it may feel impossible for you to do. You’ll be surprised, with some continued practice, how quickly you’ll learn to execute this successfully. Click here for more information.
  • Here’s another area where our training and guidance differs from most of the popular instruction out there. Most teach you to use either positions 1 or 2 to the right or left of the stick. Being that craps tables are not all the same length requires you to alter the distance of your throw when you get to the casino and that difference can lead to very different outcomes. It’s much better, and leads to more consistency, to find the distance from the back wall that works best for you and position yourself to use the same distance toss as your practice sessions. Click here for more information.
  • No different than a relief pitcher taking the mound and throwing ‘warm up’ pitches, so should you when you take the dice for the first time at the table. We’ll discuss what to do and how to do it, as well as the right betting strategy to use during your warm up so you can assess the table and adjust your throw to match before putting real money at risk. Click here for more information.


There are two topics that I’ve never seen covered when discussing the steps necessary to becoming a Precision Shooter and maximizing your profits at the casino.

  1. The actual ‘Practice Steps’ involved, what to master before moving the next component, and the tools necessary to shorten the time from start to developing a consistent and effective toss that you can use at the casino, and
  2. The ‘Betting Strategies’ to use that are matched to your particular signature numbers based on the advantage you’ve developed over the standard probabilities.

We’ll touch on them here, so that you’ll have everything you need to become an effective Precision Shooter and begin your journey to flipping the tables on the casino.

  • Utilizing a ‘step process’ to learning the art and science of becoming a Precision Shooter is the best way to shorten the timeline to rewards at the craps table. Because each of the components is intertwined, it is important to master one component before moving on the next. Additionally, there are certain tools you’re going to want to use along with your training that we’ll cover in detail. We’ll walk you through each so you get the most out of your training in the most efficient way. Click here for more information.
  • It makes no sense to bet the (6) and (8) if your signature numbers are (5) and (9). We’ll help you determine your best betting strategy to use dependent on your individual outcomes, how defined your signature numbers are, you’re statistical advantage over the casino and your risk and bankroll tolerance. Aside from learning the skills of a Precision Shooter, your betting strategy is the next most important component to raking in profits from the casino. Click here for more information.

Something that probably should have been mentioned earlier, if you’re new to craps, you should learn the basics of the game and have a good understanding of odds, payouts, and house edge before taking on the commitment to becoming a Precision Shooter. You can learn more about these topics in the Beginner and Intermediate sections of this site.

Good luck in your quest to become a Precision Shooter! I think you’ll find it both emotionally and financially rewarding.

As articles are posted regarding each of the components above, the link will be provided for you to access the article. Please feel free to join Club Craps Secrets for updates, special announcements, and more.


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If you have any questions, suggestions or recommendations, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

In the meantime…


Imagine the two dice are rotating on a horizontal axis at the same time. If they stay straight and continue rotating, the numbers on the right and left sides of each die will never show.


If you set,Larry Edell has been the editor of 'The Crapshooter Newsletter' since 1994. He has published nine books and over two hundred different articles in magazines such as 'Casino Player', 'Gaming Today', 'Mid West Players 'and 'Gambling Times'. Larry's website is grip and throw them properly, you should only see the numbers that are on the vertical axis.

There are only six different dice sets as follows:

The 2354 Set:

Set both dice identically so when you rotate them toward you, all you see are the 2, 3, 5 and 4 on the vertical axis. The totals showing are all hard ways - the hard four, hard six, hard ten and hard eight.

Called the “hard way set”, this is one of the most popular sets.

If you look closely, you will see that the ones and sixes have been eliminated.

In addition to fewer sevens, you would not be able to throw a two, three, eleven or twelve with this set.

This set is terrific for hardways, place bets and 6s and 8s.

Set this quickly by placing the ones and sixes on both horizontal axis.

The 1364 Set:

Both dice are set on the vertical axis for 1, 3, 6 and 4. This method eliminates the 5's and 2's on the horizontal axis so it is impossible to roll a 3 or 11. It actually increases the frequency of sevens so it is used only for don’t bettors and the come out. You can set this quickly by placing the fives and twos on both horizontal axis.

The 1265 Set:

Another don’t bettor set is the 1, 2, 6 and 5. You will have the fours and threes eliminated on the sides so these numbers will not roll. This set will produce more sevens but no fives or nines so if you see someone laying the fives and nines, he’s probably using this set. Set his quickly by placing the fours and threes on both horizontal axis.

The 1265/2354 Set:

Both die can be set differently. For example, set the first die as 1, 2, 6, 5 and the second die as 2, 3, 5, 4. Although this may take a little longer to set, it has terrific advantages - only two sevens, and two each of the 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10. This set would be excellent for place bettors after the come-out!

Set this one by placing the four and three on one horizontal die axis and the one and six on the other.

The 1265/1364 Set:

Additionally, you can set the first die to 1, 2, 6, 5 and the second to 2, 3, 5, 4. On the first die, you are eliminating the 4 & 3. On the second die, you are eliminating the 2 & 5. This combination gives you two of each of the 5, 6, 7 and 8.

This is the famous “6-T” set, because if you place the two sixes together to form a “T” you master this set in one quick motion.

This is set by placing the four and three on one horizontal die axis and the two and five on the other.


The 1364/2354 set

Lastly, my favorite. Set the first die to 1, 3, 6, 4 and the second to 2, 3, 5, 4. This set will produce only two sevens, but three each of the six and eight. There are also no twos or twelves and one each of 3, 4, 10 and 11. Set this one by placing the five and two on one horizontal die axis and the one and six on the other.

When pre-setting the dice, it doesn’t matter exactly where the numbers are located, as long as the proper ones are there.

With my favorite described above, it is okay to set them 6, 4, 1, 3 on one and 4, 2, 3, 5 on the other.

With this particular set, you will be eliminating the 5 & 2 on one die and the 6 & 1 on the other die.

As long as these numbers remain on the axis, it doesn’t matter where the other numbers end up.

The advantage of dice setting is that it doesn’t cost you anything but a little practice.

I say, “If you’re going to shoot anyway, why not set the dice?”